Read to Reef Book Club is Back!

Dive into some great books today with the Read to Reef Book Club. 

Read five aquatic books, and receive four tickets to the National Aquarium.

Read To Reef Govans Pratt Library | August 9, 2016


The spring season of Read to Reef kicks off on Thursday, March 1, 2018.

Step 1:

Read to Reef Step 1Throughout the month of March 2018, Baltimore-area children in fifth grade and younger may visit any Enoch Pratt Free Library Branch and show their library card to receive a Read to Reef bookmark, while supplies last.

Step 2:

Read to Reef Step 2 

Check out the list of the National Aquarium’s favorite aquatic or conservation-themed books or ask your librarian for suggestions. Borrow, read or listen to someone read any five of these books and record them on your Read to Reef bookmark.

Step 3:

Read to Reef Step 3

Bring your completed bookmark to the National Aquarium’s ticket center through June 17, 2018, to exchange it for up to four admission tickets to be used that day.

Sneak Peek at the Second Floor

The Central Library is closed this week, but we’re giving you a sneak peek inside.

We are right in the middle of the Central Library’s historic $115 million renovation.  Starting February 20, you’ll start getting a look at the work that’s happened when the 2nd and 3rd floors open.

Several public service departments that are currently on the first floor will move to the second and third floors.  Here are a few pictures of the second floor to give you a preview.  New light fixtures line the 2nd floor hallway.  The paintings on the ceiling have been restored.  At the end of the hallway, you’ll see a large glass wall with a door.  That’s where the new Teen Wing will start in 2019, giving young adults their own space.  That space will temporarily house the Children’s Department as downstairs is now under renovation. 

Scaffolding remains up outside the front window.  This area on the 2nd floor will provide places for people to plug in their laptops or work on tablets.  The Poe Room and Wheeler auditorium are still under renovation.
Here’s a peek at the rosettes in the ceiling of Central Hall.  Plaster workers have painstakingly restored them, so they look like the day they were created.

Starting February 20, many departments will have shifted around.  Don’t hesitate to ask a staff members to point you in the right direction.

Sneak Peek at the Creative Arts Center

All week we’re giving you a sneak peek inside the renovated Central Library

The Central Library is closed for renovations this week.  Pratt Chat is giving you an inside look at some of those renovated spaces.  Today, we’re going inside the new Creative Arts Center. 

The Creative Arts Center, on the 2nd floor, previously housed the Library’s Fine Arts and Humanities Collections.  The new space will be a place for exhibitions, live concerts, performances and so much more.  The Center will provide an intimate  space for dance, music and theater productions by professional and student artists.

During the renovation, the ceiling of the room was restored to its historic grandeur.  Replication light fixtures were installed.  The floor was also restored. 

When Central reopens on February 20, the Creative Arts Center will temporarily house Fine Arts and Humanities.

Baltimore History: The Great Fire of 1904

View the historical collection at Digital Maryland

Devastation with City Hall Dome in Background Courtesy: Digital Maryland

114 years ago, an incident happened that changed Baltimore City.  The Great Baltimore Fire of 1904 destroyed much of the central part of the city. 1500 buildings were burned and it took more than 1200 firefighters to control the flames.  Some came from as far away as Philadelphia.  It’s reported the fire first started at John Hurst and Company, which is close to where Royal Farms Arena now sits. It burnt for 30 hours destroying 80 city blocks.

Courtesy: Digital Maryland


It took years to rebuild Baltimore City and all of that is documented in a collection on Digital Maryland.  It tells the story of how the city survived the devastation and rebuilt. The collection includes more than 250 images and 13 publications, including the act establishing the “Burnt District Commission.” It also has an interactive map showing how quickly the fire spread over two days. 

You can view the collection online here. 

Collection overview prepared by Bill Cady, Digitization Assistant, Enoch Pratt Free Library / State Library Resource Center.

February is Library Lovers’ Month!

“When in doubt go to the library.” JK Rowling

February is known as a month for love.  So, it only make sense that it’s also Library Lovers’ Month.

PS: We love you too.