Learn more about the history of Horse Racing in Maryland on Digital Maryland

The Hays-Heighe House Horse Racing Photographs Collection contains one color and twenty-one black and white montages of race day photographs. The photos were taken between 1934 and 1951 of prize-winning horses raised and trained at Prospect Hill Farm once owned by Robert H. and Anne Heighe of Harford County, Maryland. That Farm is now the campus of Harford Community College.

Once the manor house for the Heighes, the Hays-Heighe House maintains the archives of Prospect Hill Farm. They’ve also maintained archives of the thoroughbreds raised by Mrs. Heighe that raced at tracks in Maryland and as far away as Long Branch outside of Toronto, Canada and Tropical Park in Miami, Florida. The collection is also associated with two trainers prominent in Harford County and Maryland racing who worked for the Heighes, Jack Boniface and Joe Mergler.
Check out the photos and much more on Digital Maryland.