As we kick off Teen Read Week 2017, the Pratt Library has made a commitment to young adults throughout Maryland. You may have noticed the massive renovation project inside the Central Library on Cathedral Street. Part of that renovation will include a Teen Learning and Leadership Center.
Ornate ceiling murals restored in Pratt Teen Space
The space will provide 6th through 12th graders with flexible spaces, state-of-the-art technology, and expert staff to help students maximize their potential.
Pratt young adult librarian Ny’ilah Whitaker says, “I’m looking forward to the new teen space. Teens really need their own space.”
That space will include a “creation station” to promote interactivity so teens can create digital music, film a video, write code or participate in STEM programs. The Center will also provide space for college preparation, including instructions on how to complete college applications and apply for financial aid.
“It’s such a wonderful message to the teens in Baltimore City and the state of Maryland that we have invested in them and in their future,” says Deborah Taylor, Pratt Chief of School and Student Services. “This will give us a chance to do so much more. I think we have a chance to really make a difference in the lives of the teens, and also to make a difference in what kind of city we have.” Funding for the Teen Learning and Leadership Center is generously donated by James and Sylvia Earl.
For a sneak peek at the new space, check out this video:
October is here.. and that means we are going back under the sea. The Read to Reef Book Club is back! This is a great partnership between the Pratt Library and the National Aquarium. Here’s how it works:
1. Baltimore-area children in fifth grade and younger can visit any Enoch Pratt Free Library branch and show their library card to receive a Read to Reef bookmark while supplies last.
2. Check out the list of the National Aquarium’s favorite aquatic or conservation-themed books or ask your librarian for suggestions. Borrow, read or listen to someone read any five of these books and record them on your Read to Reef bookmark.
3. Bring your completed bookmark to the National Aquarium’s ticket center before December 28, 2017, to exchange it for up to four admission tickets to be used that day.
Read To Reef Govans Pratt Library | August 9, 2016
So head to your nearest Pratt branch, and get reading!
The kids are back in class across the state of Maryland. Do you or your child need a leg up as you hit the books? Just log on to the Pratt website!
We have live tutoring available online during after-school hours. Expert online tutors are available Monday-Sunday from 2pm until 11:55pm EST to help with homework or writing assignments. The online SkillSurfer can help students sharpen their classrooms skills from home. There’s even a Language Lab for students learning a foreign language. Check out all of these free services on the Pratt website.
FIRST CARD: For children six and under, the First Card is fine-free. Featuring popular Olivia the Pig, the First Card allows you to bring home enough books to keep your littlest readers entertained until your next library trip.
CHILDREN & TEEN CARDS: For ages 7-17, the children and teen cards enjoy reduced late fees of just 10 cents a day.
TEACHER CARD: Baltimore City School educators and registered home school parents can check out 30 items that can circulate for 6 weeks and be renewed once.