The Enoch Pratt Free Library was founded on the principle that libraries “shall be for all, rich and poor without distinction of race or color.” Over 100 years later, that statement still stands. We at the Pratt believe in access for all so when that access feels like its being threatened, we feel compelled to let you know.
One of our most popular materials, eBooks, may soon be harder for libraries to provide. Starting November 1, Macmillan Publishers will allow libraries to purchase only ONE copy of each new eBook title for the first EIGHT weeks after a book’s release.
The Pratt and libraries all across the country have the purpose of providing services, forms of entertainment and of course, spreading knowledge. Limiting the amount of eBooks we can purchase for those in our communities goes directly against that.
What does this mean for you?
It will be harder for the Pratt and other libraries to purchase new books for you to read. We’ll have fewer eBooks in our library so you will have to wait longer to read highly anticipated books. The embargo means that all of our 22 locations will have to share ONE eBook for the first 8 weeks.
What can you do?
Weigh into the conversation. The American Library Association has a petition going on here. Please consider signing it. Also, consider making you voice heard by using social media.
You can learn more about the #eBooksForAll campaign visit here and here.