In honor of his birthday, January 15, we wanted to spotlight biographies on and speeches by the Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We hope that they inspire you!
Visit the Pratt website to log in for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day lecture featuring Larry Gibson on Saturday, January 15 at 2pm. Find out more information here. Also, In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, all Pratt locations will be closed on Monday, January 17.

With knowledge, spirit, good humor, and passion, Clayborne Carson brings to life a remarkable man whose thoughts and actions speak to our most burning contemporary issues and still inspire the desires, hopes, and dreams of us all.
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Clayborne Carson, eBook

This historical compilation features highlights by the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. including major speeches at Lincoln Memorial, Brown Chapel and Final Speech, day before Dr. King`s Assassination.
I Have A Dream, Film

Jackson demonstrates how Martin Luther King’s early years as a pastor and activist in Montgomery, Alabama, helped shape his identity as a civil rights leader. Using the sharp lens of Montgomery’s struggle for racial equality to investigate King’s burgeoning leadership.
Becoming King by Troy Jackson, eBook

Seen and heard in this original footage are the highlights of dramatic speeches and coversations spanning 1956 to 1968, including his last address on April 3, 1968, the night before his assassination in Memphis, Tennessee.
Been To The Mountaintop, Film