Serving Customers During COVID-19

The Pratt Library continues to serve our community

As we wrap up National Library Week, we are celebrating in a very different way.  In mid-March the Pratt Library closed its doors to protect the health and safety of our customers and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. But that has not stopped staff from working tirelessly to serve Maryland.

Here are just a few things that are happening at the Pratt:

  • Hundreds of staff are working from home to provide services
  • A robust schedule of daily virtual programs has been developed including Writers CRIBS! and Virtual Storytime. 
  • An educational webpage has been set up to help parents find resources for home schooling their students including live online tutors. 
  • Collections staff members are working with City Schools to launch new educational databases like Tumblebooks and Scholastic.
  • Staff are using Teen Center sewing machines and 3D printers to make PPE for healthcare workers
  • A web guide has been developed to provide accurate sources of information on COVID-19.

This is just a small sample of the ongoing work of the Pratt to serve Baltimore. The Pratt will always be here for our community.