by Amanda Hughes (she/her)
Assistant Manager, Maryland Department

Throughout the academic year, students across Maryland have been working hard on their projects for National History Day. Over the last few months, hundreds of students competed in school and district level competitions to win the right to advance to statewide competition. This year, things are different. With schools closed and large gatherings prohibited, surely the state competition would be cancelled this year right? Wrong!
Thanks to the hard work of the dedicated staff at the Maryland Humanities Council and dozens of enthusiastic volunteer judges (including several Pratt Librarians!), this year’s competition is going digital. Over the next few weeks judges will be attending training webinars, beginning to receive links to documentaries, websites and performances, photos of exhibits and pdfs of papers. Evaluations and rankings will be done via Zoom and Google Hangouts and winners will be advanced to the national competition. To see the winning projects, visit and thanks to all the dedicated judges and staff at the Maryland Humanities Council for making sure that the students’ hard work will be rewarded!