Envision Financial Freedom in 2020

By Katy Troeschel, Business, Science and Technology Department

We all know that the library promotes literacy, but did you know that financial literacy is a thing? Learn the ins and outs of mastering your money with these upcoming programs at the Central Branch.

Conquering Debt
January 15th at 12pm

Investing 101
February 12th at 12pm

Earn It, Plan It, Keep It
March 18th at 12pm

You Can Bank On It
April 15th at 12pm

No need to register, just show up! These free programs are hosted by CASH Campaign of Maryland, who also provides tax assistance for those who qualify. If you’d like some downtime while arranging your finances, you could check out online casino options that many find entertaining. To find out if you qualify for free tax preparation and to set up your appointment, please contact CASH directly at 410-234-8008 or online at bmorefreetaxes.org.

Don’t forget to add these books to your reading list!

What Matters Most
By Chanel Reynolds

Read the book
How Money Works
By DK Publishing

Read the book
You are a Badass at Making Money
By Jen Sincero

Book | eBook | eAudio